Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sore bum blog post

Because standing up and sitting back down are rather painful endeavours today, it seemed a perfect day for a blog post.

Yesterday morning on the way to my car I slipped on the icy sidewalk and landed squarely on my tailbone. Judging by my aching shoulder, I must have bumped that, too, although I certainly didn't notice at the time. I am super thankful to the neighbour who came to my aid. An elderly gentleman was kind enough to come hold my hand (which was covered in snow), ask me questions (What did you land on? Can you move your legs? Should I call 911?), listen to my surely riveting commentary (Ow. Jeepers. Oh goodness.), and finally assist me to my feet.

Luckily I work a retail job which is mostly standing around. Also luckily I have today off to spend sitting on the bed and not moving much! I had originally planned to clean the kitchen today, but since just making my tea this morning was a bit of an endeavour, I think that will have to wait.

Instead, today I will finish something. True story! I've decided to start small, with darning a pair of Jaywalkers. There's no hole in either yet, but the sole is threadbare in a few places, and I would much rather duplicate stitch the whole area now than have to proper-darn them later.

Expect my triumphant return before end of day, with pictures!

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