Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I haven't abandoned you! Well, not intentionally, anyhow; I just hate pictureless posts, and, me being cameraless, blog is perpetually pictureless. However! I have asked Santa Claus for a camera for Christmas. I have high hopes. I also asked him for a hot water bottle. I try to keep it practical. =D

On the knitting front, I wrote my first pattern! Well, technically I just knit the item, but the writing down part will come. I'm going to submit it to Knitty for the Spring issue(!), which means that even if I had a camera, I couldn't show you. I can, however, tell you that I've already made one for myself and have started on one for my roomie for Christmas. Exciting! Mysterious!

That's probably it until post-holidays, so until then, Merry Christmas! Enjoy this wonderful white winter.

I'll leave you with a confession. I couldn't wait for December 1st for either the Christmas music... OR the tree! It's a 6' sparkling silver tree and I love it.

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