Stash enhancement was in order! My mom and I went to the Ottawa Yarn Forward and came out some 45 minutes later with...

The Lang was on sale. And I had no stashed sock yarn. Well... only two balls, and that's practically none! The Arequipa was pretty! And soft! And pretty!
And the Fleece Artist. Oh dear. I wanted to knit a Frivol. Ever since seeing Pam's, I've been itching to cast on. Except there was the whole not-having-any-yarn bit. So I scoured Yarn Forward for the perfect yarn. I held skein after skein against my tweedy grey coat. And then the Fleece Artist called to me. "Look at me, Erin. Aren't I just the perfect colour to match that coat? Come feel me." That Fleece Artist is one smooth operator. He put a dent in my pocket and made me wrestle him for nearly an hour, but we now have ball! Two luscious, fuschia balls of ready-for-the-knitting yarn.

Oh yeah.
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