Because standing up and sitting back down are rather painful endeavours today, it seemed a perfect day for a blog post.
Yesterday morning on the way to my car I slipped on the icy sidewalk and landed squarely on my tailbone. Judging by my aching shoulder, I must have bumped that, too, although I certainly didn't notice at the time. I am super thankful to the neighbour who came to my aid. An elderly gentleman was kind enough to come hold my hand (which was covered in snow), ask me questions (What did you land on? Can you move your legs? Should I call 911?), listen to my surely riveting commentary (Ow. Jeepers. Oh goodness.), and finally assist me to my feet.
Luckily I work a retail job which is mostly standing around. Also luckily I have today off to spend sitting on the bed and not moving much! I had originally planned to clean the kitchen today, but since just making my tea this morning was a bit of an endeavour, I think that will have to wait.
Instead, today I will finish something. True story! I've decided to start small, with darning a pair of Jaywalkers. There's no hole in either yet, but the sole is threadbare in a few places, and I would much rather duplicate stitch the whole area now than have to proper-darn them later.
Expect my triumphant return before end of day, with pictures!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Snow/FO Day!
The weather in Ottawa is nuts today, and since my brother had a snow day, and my mom (aka my ride to work) was not driving, I took one too. Sure, my dad offered me a ride, but I'm glad I called in to work instead of taking him up on it, since he got stuck in the driveway. He had to plow around the car, have my mom and I come push him off the solid ice that was hiding under the snow, and didn't actually get onto the road until 9 am. Madness.
What makes today an especially great day off (other than being pleasantly unexpected) is that I was up and showered at alert by 8 am. Usually on a day off I sleep until 10 or later and lounge around in my pjs all day. I kicked off the day by playing some DDR and drinking coffee from a ceramic mug (it makes a difference!). Then I destashed two grocery bags full of yarn (Sally Ann time!) and organized the rest of the stash. There's been a lot of sheet set/drapery/duvet cover purchases in the household over the past few months, so I organized my yarn into all these clear plastic bags with proper zippers. I am super pleased!
Aaaand, I finished the Jaywalkers! Technically I finished them yesterday afternoon at work, but today I wove away the ends and blocked one of them, which means they're almost gift-ready!

The first picture shows the colour a little more accurately. For some reason the camera refuses to pick up how the lightest green is almost yellow and springy, and how the darkest one is a dark spruce-blue. Ah well. Here, too is a pic of a pre-block Jaywalker.

It bears saying that I've never blocked socks before, partly because I couldn't find a sock blocker anywhere in Montreal, and partly because they look fine once they're stretched out on the foot. While I stand by the latter, because I'm gifting these, I really want them to look just as pretty sitting in the box as they do on the feet, hence the blocking. Ironically, my dad offered just last night to make me a sock blocker from 1/2" thick plastic if I made a cardboard mock-up (he owns a machine shop). So I made the mock-up this aft... and couldn't wait until tomorrow night! So I wrapped the cardboard in plastic wrap. XD
Up next... I want to make some Mad Colour Weave Socks in solid coral pink! After the quick, simple and masculine (camouflage green) Jaywalkers, I'm eager to start something engaging and girly! Expect updates on Ravelry first. ^^
What makes today an especially great day off (other than being pleasantly unexpected) is that I was up and showered at alert by 8 am. Usually on a day off I sleep until 10 or later and lounge around in my pjs all day. I kicked off the day by playing some DDR and drinking coffee from a ceramic mug (it makes a difference!). Then I destashed two grocery bags full of yarn (Sally Ann time!) and organized the rest of the stash. There's been a lot of sheet set/drapery/duvet cover purchases in the household over the past few months, so I organized my yarn into all these clear plastic bags with proper zippers. I am super pleased!
Aaaand, I finished the Jaywalkers! Technically I finished them yesterday afternoon at work, but today I wove away the ends and blocked one of them, which means they're almost gift-ready!
The first picture shows the colour a little more accurately. For some reason the camera refuses to pick up how the lightest green is almost yellow and springy, and how the darkest one is a dark spruce-blue. Ah well. Here, too is a pic of a pre-block Jaywalker.
It bears saying that I've never blocked socks before, partly because I couldn't find a sock blocker anywhere in Montreal, and partly because they look fine once they're stretched out on the foot. While I stand by the latter, because I'm gifting these, I really want them to look just as pretty sitting in the box as they do on the feet, hence the blocking. Ironically, my dad offered just last night to make me a sock blocker from 1/2" thick plastic if I made a cardboard mock-up (he owns a machine shop). So I made the mock-up this aft... and couldn't wait until tomorrow night! So I wrapped the cardboard in plastic wrap. XD
Up next... I want to make some Mad Colour Weave Socks in solid coral pink! After the quick, simple and masculine (camouflage green) Jaywalkers, I'm eager to start something engaging and girly! Expect updates on Ravelry first. ^^
Friday, January 4, 2008
I got started on Frivol last night, and by this morning, I was stumped. I couldn't figure out the "pick up wrapped stitch" bit; I kept ending up with an extra stitch. So, I emailed Debi, the author. And, because she's amazing, she replied in less than 15 minutes! Awesome! Here's what I've gotten done so far, mostly during breaks from putting away Christmas decorations.

For some reason the colours look less intense here than in the pictures I took last night. Still getting comfortable with my new camera. I'm hoping to finish before the week is out - January and February are our coldest months, here.

For some reason the colours look less intense here than in the pictures I took last night. Still getting comfortable with my new camera. I'm hoping to finish before the week is out - January and February are our coldest months, here.
Stash Enhancement!
I'm in the middle of moving from Montreal back home to Ottawa, which here means that 90% of my stuff is still in Montreal, and I have just the bare necessities here: some clothes, toiletries, some waaaay backstash yarn (like, that I bought before moving to Montreal 6 years ago), and my "spare" needles. I have a pretty inclusive set in Montreal, so what I have here consists of doubles and mismatches. All my Christmas knitting is done. There's only so much a girl can do with 8 balls of bulky, navy blue, acrylic yarn.
Stash enhancement was in order! My mom and I went to the Ottawa Yarn Forward and came out some 45 minutes later with...

The Lang was on sale. And I had no stashed sock yarn. Well... only two balls, and that's practically none! The Arequipa was pretty! And soft! And pretty!
And the Fleece Artist. Oh dear. I wanted to knit a Frivol. Ever since seeing Pam's, I've been itching to cast on. Except there was the whole not-having-any-yarn bit. So I scoured Yarn Forward for the perfect yarn. I held skein after skein against my tweedy grey coat. And then the Fleece Artist called to me. "Look at me, Erin. Aren't I just the perfect colour to match that coat? Come feel me." That Fleece Artist is one smooth operator. He put a dent in my pocket and made me wrestle him for nearly an hour, but we now have ball! Two luscious, fuschia balls of ready-for-the-knitting yarn.

Oh yeah.
Stash enhancement was in order! My mom and I went to the Ottawa Yarn Forward and came out some 45 minutes later with...

The Lang was on sale. And I had no stashed sock yarn. Well... only two balls, and that's practically none! The Arequipa was pretty! And soft! And pretty!
And the Fleece Artist. Oh dear. I wanted to knit a Frivol. Ever since seeing Pam's, I've been itching to cast on. Except there was the whole not-having-any-yarn bit. So I scoured Yarn Forward for the perfect yarn. I held skein after skein against my tweedy grey coat. And then the Fleece Artist called to me. "Look at me, Erin. Aren't I just the perfect colour to match that coat? Come feel me." That Fleece Artist is one smooth operator. He put a dent in my pocket and made me wrestle him for nearly an hour, but we now have ball! Two luscious, fuschia balls of ready-for-the-knitting yarn.

Oh yeah.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Unstuck in time
Well, in space is more accurate, but I'm reading Slaughterhouse Five atm. I'm back and forth between Ottawa and Montreal pretty frequently these days, what with the holidays and my new job! More on that later.
I got everything on my Christmas list (and then some)! A lovely camera that works and not one, but two hot water bottles. Oops. Yeah, one of those got returned. XD
This is just a quickie post to show off my camera/knitting.
Exhibit One: proper, sunlit photos of the Lombard street socks I made my mom for Christmas, as modeled by... my mom!

And the fingerless mitt(s) I made my little brother for Christmas. Technically, only the one was ready on the 25th...

The second one is almost done. =) I'll post the pattern as soon as I get it down on paper.
I got everything on my Christmas list (and then some)! A lovely camera that works and not one, but two hot water bottles. Oops. Yeah, one of those got returned. XD
This is just a quickie post to show off my camera/knitting.
Exhibit One: proper, sunlit photos of the Lombard street socks I made my mom for Christmas, as modeled by... my mom!
And the fingerless mitt(s) I made my little brother for Christmas. Technically, only the one was ready on the 25th...
The second one is almost done. =) I'll post the pattern as soon as I get it down on paper.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I haven't abandoned you! Well, not intentionally, anyhow; I just hate pictureless posts, and, me being cameraless, blog is perpetually pictureless. However! I have asked Santa Claus for a camera for Christmas. I have high hopes. I also asked him for a hot water bottle. I try to keep it practical. =D
On the knitting front, I wrote my first pattern! Well, technically I just knit the item, but the writing down part will come. I'm going to submit it to Knitty for the Spring issue(!), which means that even if I had a camera, I couldn't show you. I can, however, tell you that I've already made one for myself and have started on one for my roomie for Christmas. Exciting! Mysterious!
That's probably it until post-holidays, so until then, Merry Christmas! Enjoy this wonderful white winter.
I'll leave you with a confession. I couldn't wait for December 1st for either the Christmas music... OR the tree! It's a 6' sparkling silver tree and I love it.
On the knitting front, I wrote my first pattern! Well, technically I just knit the item, but the writing down part will come. I'm going to submit it to Knitty for the Spring issue(!), which means that even if I had a camera, I couldn't show you. I can, however, tell you that I've already made one for myself and have started on one for my roomie for Christmas. Exciting! Mysterious!
That's probably it until post-holidays, so until then, Merry Christmas! Enjoy this wonderful white winter.
I'll leave you with a confession. I couldn't wait for December 1st for either the Christmas music... OR the tree! It's a 6' sparkling silver tree and I love it.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
It's Been a Hell of a (few) Week(s)
Another pictureless post, I'm afraid. The only camera I have at the moment is my Dad's cellphone, and it's not pretty. My going-on-7-year-old digital camera is officially dead. She won't turn on no matter how strong the batteries. =(
Good news first - I'm on Ravelry! My screenie is wintermute. I'm about to add my Monkeys. =)
Not so good news? My apartment has a biting-type bug problem, and when I asked the building administrators to look into it or exterminate, they... threatened to evict me, of course! Yep. They're claiming that the infestation is caused by my "lifestyle" (they're basically saying I have bugs because I'm filthy), and that the bug problem that I have created is interfering with the other tenants' ability to enjoy their apartments. You have to appreciate their concern for their tenants! Oh, except the ones with bug problems.
My guess is, they want me out so they can hike the rent. In Quebec, the landlord is only allowed to increase rent once per year, and by a maximum of 1.1% each time. When I started renting, it was at $800, now I'm up to $837. If I transfer my lease into someone else's name, they get the benefit of the same low rent. If, however, I finish up my lease and move out (or, if they evict me), they can set the rent for the new tenant at whatever they so please (Ok, it's not quite so cut and dry, the new tenant could fight the increase, but essentially that's the deal). Other apartments in the building of the same size as mine are being listed for as much as $1100. So you can see why the landlord might want me out - either by evicting me or not dealing with the bug problem, thereby forcing me out.
Just for the sake of trivia, say, the building is owned by Creccal Investments.
Now, I could go see a lawyer (I've done it before over illegal landlord practices), but I just don't have that kind of time! I don't really need this whole headache at all, really. ^^
So that's my deal. The plan now is to move in with a friend later this month (to escape the bugs and the bullshit), and try to transfer the lease to someone else for December. My parents have been super-awesome and helpful, but I'm still pretty burnt.
There is knitting news! Kind of. =) I've finished a Lombard Street Sock (I fell in love with the ones I made my Mom, so I started a pair for myself), and just started the heel flap on the second one. I've added a small cable running down the heel flap for interest, but I mucked up a few rows back (like... 6 or 8....), so I have some unknitting to look forward to.
That's all I got, folks. Wish me luck!
Good news first - I'm on Ravelry! My screenie is wintermute. I'm about to add my Monkeys. =)
Not so good news? My apartment has a biting-type bug problem, and when I asked the building administrators to look into it or exterminate, they... threatened to evict me, of course! Yep. They're claiming that the infestation is caused by my "lifestyle" (they're basically saying I have bugs because I'm filthy), and that the bug problem that I have created is interfering with the other tenants' ability to enjoy their apartments. You have to appreciate their concern for their tenants! Oh, except the ones with bug problems.
My guess is, they want me out so they can hike the rent. In Quebec, the landlord is only allowed to increase rent once per year, and by a maximum of 1.1% each time. When I started renting, it was at $800, now I'm up to $837. If I transfer my lease into someone else's name, they get the benefit of the same low rent. If, however, I finish up my lease and move out (or, if they evict me), they can set the rent for the new tenant at whatever they so please (Ok, it's not quite so cut and dry, the new tenant could fight the increase, but essentially that's the deal). Other apartments in the building of the same size as mine are being listed for as much as $1100. So you can see why the landlord might want me out - either by evicting me or not dealing with the bug problem, thereby forcing me out.
Just for the sake of trivia, say, the building is owned by Creccal Investments.
Now, I could go see a lawyer (I've done it before over illegal landlord practices), but I just don't have that kind of time! I don't really need this whole headache at all, really. ^^
So that's my deal. The plan now is to move in with a friend later this month (to escape the bugs and the bullshit), and try to transfer the lease to someone else for December. My parents have been super-awesome and helpful, but I'm still pretty burnt.
There is knitting news! Kind of. =) I've finished a Lombard Street Sock (I fell in love with the ones I made my Mom, so I started a pair for myself), and just started the heel flap on the second one. I've added a small cable running down the heel flap for interest, but I mucked up a few rows back (like... 6 or 8....), so I have some unknitting to look forward to.
That's all I got, folks. Wish me luck!
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