Greetings from the toy store. I haven't heard back from the Fibre Arts advisor (who has been oh-so-helpful these past weeks... >.<), so next step is contacting the department chair. Really, people, all I'm asking is a few minutes with an advisor, or
anyone who can answer a few easy, yes/no/maybe questions for me. Sigh!
I got ahold of the aforementioned camera, cleaned off my worktable, laid all my Lingerie Style-in -progress out in the afternoon sunlight.... and discovered the batteries to be dead. So they're charging. In the meantime I found an old Minolta film camera that I hope to learn to use, but that's another affair entirely.
My Basic Bra is complete save seaming, which should come together quickly once I pick up my sewing machine from my parents' place the weekend after next (or the one after... at the moment my going-home plans interfere with my bosses' toy-show plans, but we shall see). Instead of the garter border around the back bands and along the cup tops, I opted for a crochet picot edge. In the variegated orange I'm afraid it came out a little clownish (?), but we'll see once its on. If after all I can't live with clown-lingerie, it should be easy enough to change even after seaming.
I've loved what a quick and satisfying knit this has been! After I finished the last of the crochet last night, I was in such a mood to keep working on something, anything! I was at L's, however, and had no other projects with me, so we watched the better part (pun!) of Evil Dead II. We had watched ED the night before, but on the whole, they both disappointed a bit. I was hoping for the over-the-top, method acting, stop-motion-and-claymation humour of Army of Darkness.
My Yoga class is full! *sob* I've been regularly checking the site all summer for the fall schedule to be posted, and when I went to the gym just a few days after it was posted, the session I had my eye on (Mondays and Wednesdays) was full. So I put myself down for the Sunday afternoon class, and we'll see how that works out.
Tonight I've brought along some wool to make a second orange bag, this one with different leafy handles (by necessity, since I've run out of the green wool, but also to maintain the firsts' OOAK status). This one will have a much bigger opening, by way of a zipper I found that almost exactly matches the shade of orange. This first bag was made with a quite small opening, so that it could go without a closure, but still prevent the contents from falling out. Unfortunately, it's a tight fit for my whole hand, so I often find myself just dumping the whole thing out to get at what I need. I've gone and lost
two of my 6mm dpns, so I'm starting this one on two dpns and a circular. Wish me luck.
And now I have a bit of actual work to do... (balancing the error-riddled cash, to start), so until next time!