Saturday, September 15, 2007


Just a quickety post before my boss gets in this morning...

Cast on a Lombard Street Sock! It's not nearly as unstretchy as I was prepared for, nevertheless, I gauged for 7.5sts/in instead of 8/in, to be safe. The cables in the round are a little tricky, but then, lots of things get a little tricky on dpns. I'm already half-way through the heel flap! This due in large part to L going out two nights in a row.

I bought a felting needle and pad, and, using some Quiviut fibre I picked up in Alberta last year and some cat hair (!) I've been collecting... I made two funny little badges. Pictures... later!

Going home to Ottawa for a few days and a Genesis concert with mom and dad. Read: SEWING MACHINE. I packed in a hurry this morning since I woke up late, but managed to grab the green octagon purse and dinosaur lining to sew while I'm home.

Busy in the toy store because of bad weather, but after 1.5 hrs of many passers-through, no sales. I feel like a heated bus shelter?

I've been reading from the O Henry Prize collection 2003. It's nice to be reading again!

Okay okay gotta go! Bye for now!

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