Not only do I have pictures of old fo's and current on-the-go's, I have a brand new not-finished-five-minutes-ago finished object! Voici... Monkey!

In order of appearance, you are looking at: 1. Monkey on my foot, on the table-in-progress (one day, I will finish sanding and staining that table!), 2. me posing with the Mountie (a Playmobil figure just over 5 feet tall), and 3. kitten Nona showing off her sockies!
Next up... Red Panda Purse! Here you see the schematics (okay, it's a drawing in Crayola markers on scrap paper, but "schematic" sounds niftier) beside the purse base.

It's a basic round, flat purse along the same pattern as my last three purses. The orange base gets wet-felted, as do the knitted triangular ears, while the face and details will be needle-felted on. This will be my first time needle-felting! (Of course, I'll practice first!^^) Miss WhimzyPinzy is preparing me some black and white roving for the needle-felting, and some worsted yarn to match the white. <3 Whimsy! I'm super-excited about this project. Now I just have to keep myself distracted until the roving comes in...
This one I finished last month. It's an orange, not a beret! The Red Panda Purse will have the exact same base (same wool, too. For some reason the colours look wildly different than in the panda-sketch picture). I listed it on Etsy last night as "Orange you glad!" =P

Yay! I got through that whole post without swearing! Not that I'm prone to swearing without provocation, buuuuut my computer is virus-riddled and closes all internet windows about every two minutes. If it weren't for Blogger's auto-save and Firefox's "restore session" option, this post never would have happened. Thanks guys! XD
That's all I have the patience for today. Bye! -Erin
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